Friday, 7 November 2008

Pressure power!

Dear Aidan

Well we attended the meeting today with the MSP and breastfeeding co-ordinator who had made the decision to close the group. The outcome was good - we won and the group is staying open now (albeit in a new location). You were charming everyone as usual and adding your 2p into the conversation.

Today you are still a bit poorly with your teeth being sore, you have slept (and grumbled) a lot today. Tonight before bed me, you and Papa were playing with your teddies when you decided to start kissing them. Funnily when Papa asked for a kiss you squealed and turned away.

Daddy is working tonight, so Mummy is spending the night watching tv and now I'm going to bed - hope you sleep for a few more hours yet :-)

Big aahhhss xx

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