Tuesday 20 October 2009

Blood Pressue

Hi sweetie

News from my course is that I learned how to measure blood pressure the other day. I've been practising on Daddy and Uncle David, you like the look of my spygh and keep putting it around your arm.

Today you were at Gran's house. Mum and Dad went to pick you up about 4 o'clock, we rang the outside buzzer twice and noone answered so we went around to the balcony to see if anyone was home. I could see Gran kneeling on the floor and thought she might have been stuck (she's got stuck a couple of times and had to pull herself up on the couch!) I jumped over the balcony and opened the door and gave Gran a fright. It turns out she was fine, you had just put her buzzer system on silent earlier so she didn't realise that we were there!

You are enjoying playing with your trains at the moment and had to pack 4 of them in your bag to take to Gran's house today. Gran said you had to take them out with you when you went to the shops later.

I'm going to go and run your bath now since it's bedtime.


Monday 12 October 2009


Dear Aidan..

A quick update from today. You went to nursery all day while Mum and Dad were at uni, you were excited about going this morning. Daddy walked you there and said you kept shouting 'Nursery!' the whole way. When you seen the building you got a bit upset but were happy to see the ladies in the baby room. You went out a walk with the other babies today then you were in the soft play room singing nursery rhymes when Mummy and Daddy came to pick you up.

Nana bought you a new toybox at the weekend with lots of drawers for you different toys. You love it because you get to see lots of toys that were at the bottom of your toybox before. Tonight you were playing with all your Thomas the Tank Engine trains, making them crash into each other. You know the names of Thomas, Percy and James at the moment.

Cuddles, Mummy. x

Sunday 11 October 2009

Avoiding Studying

Dear Aidan,

Here we are, I've started uni now. My first test is tomorrow so I stumbled across this blog in my attempts at delaying studying so thought I'd update.

I think I'll need to do it gradually since it's been a long time.

Similarly to last time I wrote you are a bit ill at the moment. Since you started nursery (14th Sept) you have had a cough that's not shifting then on Friday morning your eyes were stuck together. Daddy managed to get you a Drs appt for the afternoon which meant we had both finished uni and could go. The Dr was running 50 minutes late so you were quite hard work to entertain in the waiting room although you were entertaining an old lady who kept speaking to you.

The Dr gave you eye drops and said you have conjunctivitis and some anti-biotics to get rid of your cough. You weren't very happy when he was checking you over and kept saying 'bye bye' to him in the hope that we would leave.

Giving you eye drops is quite an experience - and not a very pleasant one!

I was a little bit heartbroken when you started nursery recently and cried throughout your whole settling in period. It's gradually got better and although you don't like being dropped off you seem to have a good time while you are there. You like to tell us about the 'ladies' and 'cars' that you see there :)

Funny things you do at the moment are hide then jump out and shout 'There he is!', you also tell everyone to 'be careful' or 'watch your fingers' if they are walking downstairs or closing a drawer.

I'll try to keep updating as much as possible now I've found this again!

Lots of love, Mummy. x

Saturday 22 November 2008

Illness and a night out!

Dear Aidan

We have both been ill for over a week now. Thankfully we seem to be over the worst of it. We both had a trip to the GP and had medicine. The medicine you were given made your tummy sore so we had to stop it. You seemed to be better after that.

Last night Nana and Papa babysat for you while Mummy and Daddy went out. It was the first time we have been out since Mummys birthday. We had a lovely meal in a restaurant then went to the cinema. I missed you lots but I wasn't home long before you woke me to be fed :-) Sounds like you had a good time with Nana and Papa, not going to bed until nearly 9pm! You made up for it this morning by sleeping until 9.30am, it was lovely to have a longer sleep.


Friday 7 November 2008

Pressure power!

Dear Aidan

Well we attended the meeting today with the MSP and breastfeeding co-ordinator who had made the decision to close the group. The outcome was good - we won and the group is staying open now (albeit in a new location). You were charming everyone as usual and adding your 2p into the conversation.

Today you are still a bit poorly with your teeth being sore, you have slept (and grumbled) a lot today. Tonight before bed me, you and Papa were playing with your teddies when you decided to start kissing them. Funnily when Papa asked for a kiss you squealed and turned away.

Daddy is working tonight, so Mummy is spending the night watching tv and now I'm going to bed - hope you sleep for a few more hours yet :-)

Big aahhhss xx

Thursday 6 November 2008

Breastfeeding Support Group

Dear Aidan

Last week we were told at our Breastfeeding Support Group that it would be the last week and it was being closed. Mummy has been busy along with a few of the other Mums trying to stop it being closed. Yesterday the local newspaper came to take our photos, I will keep a copy for you. Tomorrow, Mummy is going to meet the local MSP to talk about it some more. Fingers crossed it stays open and you get to keep playing with your baby friends.

Hugs from Mummy

New tooth.

Dear Aidan

Last night when you woke I felt the pokings of a new tooth (your 3rd) and it was sticking right through this morning. You had a grumpy day and tonight when you went to bed your temperature was 38.2 degrees, it's normally about 36.4 degrees.

Today we went to visit N, P and baby R (who is 11 days older than you). You had soup for lunch and then apple crumble which you liked a lot. I think you enjoyed playing with someone elses toys and kept chewing on balloons.

Kisses from Mummy